Native Honey & Gum
Bees are so crucial to our food production and home garden pollination
that keeping bees and nurturing their existence has
become an interest for many.
Pollen movers and shakers
We so often hear in the gardening world “Where have all the bees gone?”.
Bees are so crucial to our food production and home garden pollination that keeping bees and nurturing their existence has become an interest for many.
Fairly new to the bee world, we have become educated. Our own Australian native stingless bees are a great little pollinator, wonderful pets, and a gardener’s best friend.
On a grander scale they can provide targeted crop pollination and the potential for medicinal intervention, all the while being treasured and protected by bee lovers as our native species.
At BeeBnB we provide pollination services and the enjoyment of Australian native stingless bees to the local public community. Whether you are looking for many bees to pollinate an orchard or a
single box to enjoy flying in your own yard, keeping native stingless bees is extremely rewarding.
Hive maintenance
Hive, honey, propolis purchases
Stingless bee rescue

Australian native stingless bees collect tree resin and combine it with wax from their own glands which makes a brown, sticky substance known as Propolis.
In the hive the bees use this material to build structures to protect their brood and build intricate webbing that makes their home. The bees store their honey within the “pots” they make in the hive and the honey takes on some of the floral taste and health properties from the propolis, depending on what trees they have been collecting from.
Propolis has been proven to contain antibacterial and antifungal properties which may provide a therapeutic benefit. Propolis has been used to make the mouth pieces of didgeridoos. It’s being used as a valuable tool for beekeepers as hive protection and is currently available in lip balms, lozenges and other products.
100% Organic
We offer a range of services to the public, local schools and kindergarten, home gardeners and commercial orchard growers.
Local Merchants